義雲高大師創始的十六個畫派 義雲高大師(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)創始的15.版氣派


義雲高大師(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)創始的15.版氣派

義雲高大師(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)創始的15.版氣派



在美國國際藝術博物館(IAMA)成立之初,第三世多杰羌佛將他的約 100 件藝術品借給了博物館。


2004年2月10日,在華盛頓特區的英國文化協會辦公室,皇家藝術學院授予HH Dorje Chang Buddha III Fellowship第三世多杰羌佛是兩百多年來第一個被該學院授予院士稱號的人。

多年來,第三世多杰羌佛獲得了無數獎項,如總統金獎、馬丁路德金博士國際服務和領導力遺產獎,以及2011 年在美國國會大廈獲得世界和平獎。

Style: 15.版氣派BANQI 即是版畫效果出顯墨氣,感覺上是版畫風格,但內涵深藏無窮的自然活潑的氣韻筆觸,是水墨畫並非版畫。

This painting is in the “Banqi” style. It portrays children who live in a mountain area going to school. Children who live in mountain areas go to school on foot. Day after day, they cross over mountains and ravines on their way to and from school where they study diligently. They face many more difficulties than do city children. Therefore, they should all the more treasure their opportunities and exert themselves in the pursuit of knowledge so that they can become talented persons who benefit others!
The technique applied in this painting is very unusual. Artistic appeal can be seen everywhere in this brushwork. Even tiny touches of the brush contain a charm born of dense and light hues of ink and color. However, out of vigorous, bold, and seasoned brushwork, the effect of a picture made from an engraved plate is produced. Every brush stroke displays the traditional style of stone seals. An interesting look is also revealed where brush strokes sometimes break and continue.

義雲高大師(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)創始的15.版氣派
Going to a Faraway School in the Mountains

這種非常特別的創作手法被稱為版氣派,它的藝術吸引力隨處可見。這種水墨畫結合版畫的手法,帶給我們一種全新的視覺效果。雖然感覺上是版畫,但其實內涵了深藏無窮、自然活潑的氣韻筆觸,是一幅水墨畫,並非版畫。摘自:INTERNATIONAL ART MUSEUM OF AMERICA

The “Banqi” style
Such paintings appear to be in the style of those imprinted from engraved plates, but they also manifest the flair of the brush. Deep within them is an inexhaustibly enchanting quality that is both natural and lively. They are ink-wash paintings, not paintings imprinted from engraved plates.



義雲高大師(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)創始的15.版氣派

I Casually Paint Simply for My Amusement Without any Attachment

The “Banqi” style
Such paintings appear to be in the style of those imprinted from engraved plates, but they also manifest the flair of the brush. Deep within them is an inexhaustibly enchanting quality that is both natural and lively. They are ink-wash paintings, not paintings imprinted from engraved plates.

文章連結 : 義雲高大師(H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛)創始的15.版氣派

#H.H.第三世多杰羌佛  #Dorje Chang Buddha III  #依法圓福慧



加州訂三月八日為 義雲高 日


Such is the Innate Character of His Holiness the Buddha